Brendan Graham Dempsey
Metamodern Spirituality
18. Towards a Metamodern Metanarrative: UTOK (w/ Gregg Henriques)

18. Towards a Metamodern Metanarrative: UTOK (w/ Gregg Henriques)

Dr. Gregg Henriques talks to Brendan about his Unified Theory of Knowledge (UTOK) framework and how it promisingly contributes to the effort of articulating a sciency-friendly post-postmodern grand narrative for our confused and meaning-hungry times. Gregg helps clarify points of overlap as well as distinction between other post-postmodern maps, while zeroing in on the specific existential challenge of our day, which UTOK clarifies and contextualizes. Finally, the two consider how we might, through ironic sincerity, co-create a set of living symbols that can help teach the full "wisdom stack" we'll need to not only survive but thrive beyond the imminent transformations of the metaverse and the "digital identity problem."

0:00 Introduction

1:31 Overview of the Unified Theory of Knowledge (UTOK)

7:18 UTOK and Metamodernism

15:46 UTOK and Integral Theory

28:08 Mapping the Complexification Domains

38:09 Brendan: How the Metanarrative Answers the Crisis of Psychological Studies

39:17 UTOK and the Integrated Information Theory of Consciousness

49:57 The "God" Question

58:06 A Spiritual Omega Point or Posthumanist Singularity? The Need for a Wisdom Stack

1:03:44 The Need for a New Mythology: A New Meaning amidst the Meaning Crisis

Brendan Graham Dempsey
Metamodern Spirituality
Brendan Graham Dempsey interviews leading thinkers in the metamodernism, integral, syntheist, GameB, and other communities about topics related to meaning-making and spirituality in today's world.